Surrounded by his own art works, an MCA gallery exhibit, and a backdrop screen showing David’s website, David D’Alessandris exhorted OAG members to be ACTIVE in the organization to revitalize OAG, and to keep re-inventing ourselves as artists: experiment with new materials, be open to inspiration at every turn. David D’Alessandris, Artist, Educator, Juror, Lecturer, and Advocate for the Arts, lives and breathes art! Thank you, David!
A few more thoughts from David’s presentation:
Drawing is fundamental to all art forms. Keep sketchbooks… sketch Everything!
Reinforce your creativity… buy canvases in 3s.
Develop Your style.
More is never enough!!!PREPARING FOR EXHIBITS:
Always keep in mind it is not about getting ribbons BUT getting to show your work.
Rejection comes with the program, sometimes you can win a prize in one show and with the same piece be rejected in another. IT IS ALL SUBJECTIVE
Read Show entry forms carefully, follow the rules and take into account the gallery or venues directions.
Do not throw in the towel, learn from your experiences, your wins your loses your successes and your failures.
Take workshops if they apply to your genre. You’re never too old to learn.
Go to lectures and critiques, these are most helpful.
PRACTICE, practice, practice, this could not be more important. Keep journals and sketch books. Document your ideas and thoughts. Take pictures of your subject matter, use these as inspiration….BE ORIGINAL.
Visit galleries and museum’s when out of town, there is nothing more rewarding than to see what other communities are doing in their art worlds.
Hang with fellow artists, share thoughts and ideas, possibly do collaborative pieces, learn together, share together.
BE ACTIVE in your ART organization!
David D’Alessandris, Handout