
Shore Life, Pernambuco, Brazil. Photography by John D. Elliott

Message from President Lee Asta

Dear fellow OAG members,

“GONE FISHING!”-years ago people who owned Mom and Pop businesses often hung a sign on their door indicating they were closing and going on vacation and their clientele worked around that announcement. I am happy to announce that those words are NOT in the OAG vocabulary for this coming summer!.
(continue reading ……)

Events List, looking ahead!
Look on the Meetings and Calendar pages for more information.

Join OAG for a tour of Appleton Museum/Lunch, August 14th at 10am.
RSVP BY August 10th to:
Susan Fink email- [email protected]
(We will then be going to lunch nearby. Susan will need to know who is coming in order to make reservations).

The Ocala Art Group was established in Ocala in 1950, making our organization one of the oldest of its kind in Central Florida. The artists have come and gone through the years, but the quality of the work and the enthusiasm of our members ensure that the arts remain alive and healthy, no matter the economic climate.

The Ocala Art Group is a not-for-profit educational corporation, and our membership is open to all who share an interest in developing and promoting fine art. We provide programs, demonstrations and workshops that appeal to every art enthusiast, and we sponsor at least four art shows a year with all member participation.



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