VIDEO provided by MCA. Thank you!
What a delightful afternoon we spent at the Brick City Art Center for our very first “AIM” or “Artists’ Intergenerational Mixer”!! ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH AT 3:00. about 50-60 attendees SAUNTERED INTO THE BRICK CITY CENTER and seemed to be doing just what was suggested: they mixed with one another!!! Affixed on everyone’s shoulder, was a nice large NAME TAG from Lynn King our Veep who greeted everyone so nicely!!! Attendees followed the INVITATION’S SUGGESTION and brought their Business Cards to do some networking!!!
As co-Hosts, MCA and OAG did not know what to expect. We were just hoping to have a bunch of ARTISTS of all ages and Genres come together to get to know one another and discuss art and their world………..AND THAT IS JUST WHAT WE GOT!!!!
Did we need to make any speeches? NOPE!!!! WE JUST TALKED!!!! Did we need to have any GAMES? NOPE!!!! WE JUST TALKED!!!!! Did we have to do any communal painting? NOPE!!! WE JUST TALKED!!!! Actually, we just kept “mixing”!!!!! Was there an age difference? YES!!!! DID WE NOTICE IT? NO!!!
Maybe it was the great punch , wine , drinks and light snacks that MCA provided with Ashley and her Staff’s Great HOSPITALITY and Music? Thank you Ladies!!!
OAG had a lovely number of our Members attend and I was really in awe because, when I approached the Visitors to give them some OAG Background, they did not SHUDDER AND WALK AWAY!!! They actually stepped closer to ask questions!!!! I HAD SUCH A GREAT TIME telling about our great ART ORGANIZATION!!!! I even was straightforward with them about why we wanted this MIXER? ….so we could get some ARTISTS to help us MODERNIZE our organization with some technology use!!! THEY STILL DID NOT EXIT, but gave me a card!!!! THey asked DUES questions and meeting and show questions. WOW!!! IT WAS TOTALLY AMAZING!
I CAME AWAY FEELING SO very upbeat for OAG and its future!!! I do believe having this Mixer WAS A VERY POSITIVE STEP FORWARD FOR US TO HAVE TAKEN TO SOLIDIFY OAG IN the art community as well as in the Ocala community and hope to plan for another one with MCA again in the near future. !!!!
Sincerely, Lee Asta, OAG President and your OAG Friends

As an attendee at the FIRST AIM, I must admit, I was hesitant about the amount of people who would attend and why they would attend. I was totally amazed that everyone was actually very interested in learning more about OAG and was actually open to the possibility of helping or joining the group. When I got home, I counted 12 new contacts I had made !!!! loved the event and am gratefuil to MCA for their CO=CHAIRING!!
PS I got some new ideas also!!!
Please let me know if you would attend our next one in a few months? Did you like this first Mixer? What made you attend n did you enjoy it? Just curious?????thanks Lee Asta President