Article and Photos contributed by Lee Asta
What a stimulating afternoon we had today! We had two hours of interaction of sharing, talking and listening to a lively discussion led by Artist Member Lynn King, who led our session about “The Lost Wife” by Alyson Richman. This was a historical fiction book about Nazi Germany and a young Jewish Artist and how her art helped her survive in a Concentration camp.

WHAT WAS SO UNUSUAL, YOU ASK? First was —-who attended: 3 of our own members: Lynn King, Cathy Burnside and Lee Asta from OAG AND —-5 other Readers from the Villages from Lee’s “regular “Book Club. There was: Ina Lidsky, Sue Tribble, Anita Andersen, and Debbie Kehoe. (They said they were NOT artists, but we found out differently!!!)
Everyone brought something to the table to share and it seemed like we were old friends. They ALL loved the book and rated it 5 out if 5!!!
They were all contributing with their thoughts about the book and we had 4 pieces of art that had been inspired by this story that were presented by the Attendees!
Next book and date will be announced next month for September. Our Visitors want to come back for another visit also!
Here are some pictures to see what a vibrant group we had and some AMAZING art ..captioned below:

The end of an interesting luncheon with lots of tears and laughter!!! Contact info was exchanged and more friendships and reading buddies were started today!!!! FUN! Thanks to Lynn King for all her hard work!!!
OMG- Cant wait for our next Book Club Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, July 6th at Braised Onion…at noon. Based upon alLK the interesting past discussions, exchanges of stories and questions that arose from our readings, this next one Should be a “DOOZIE”!!!! We will read:” Maltese Falcon” by Dashiel Hammett.(HOPE I SPELLED IT RIGHT!!!)
Lee Asta will host this discussion and idea exchange. She realizes it was a movie from the ’40’s, but took this book from her list of 100 plus art related books. She likes the idea that this list has several “CLASSIC BOOKS” to choose from and cannot wait to read it. July 5th will allow her (and you) some time to possibly paint something inspired by this story!!! Hope you come and join her with this ART-VERNTURE!!!Please RSVP to Lee Asta for a reservation at Braised Onion…Dizasta3131@