Cindy Vener, local artist, demonstrated several advantages to mixing oils with cold wax medium. The work dries faster, allowing more layers to be applied; scratching through the layers creates textures and reveals the mysteries of underlayers.
Cindy’s favorite reference book is Cold Wax Medium, Techniques, Concepts & Conversations by Rebecca Crowell & Jerry McLaughlin. The helft papercover tome is available at
Enjoy the photo story below that shows Cindy mixing cold wax and oils on palette papers and applying the buttery mix to a firm substrate like encaustic board using brayers, spreaders, and scrapers; mark-making with Marabu oil crayons and Stabilo woodie crayons, and Catalyst wedges and “brushes”; transferring stenciled designs from deli-papers; layering opaque color and scratching through. Marvelous results from artistic play! Some of us will surely try Oil and Cold Wax during Open Studio time. Thank you, Cindy, for a very stimulating presentation!