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A Message from Leona Asta, President
September 2024

As I sit down to write my first President‘s Message of my last season as OAG President, I ONCE AGAIN am REFLECTING on the past and the future. I continue to hold the same goals for the coming year as I have in the past, BASED ON THE old three “R’S” of “reading, ‘riting and  ’rithmetic”, BUT WITH AN ARTISTIC TWIST!!! I call my goals ”READING, REFLECTING n ROOTS”! For those of you who are seeing this for the first time, I’ll give a quick synopsis of what this means:

Lee Asta

The “READING” Goal has been established (and continues to thrive) for TWO YEARS NOW……..with The formation of our exciting ARTIST BOOK  CLUB which meets at the Chelsea Arts Center every two months . We not only read a book with some ART CONNECTION and discuss it, BUT several of us manage to do art inspired by the story. Check out the website for details. The next one is September 10th. 

The “REFLECTING” Goal Is an ongoing one ALSO with one of the aspects that includes our various art venues, exhibits and shows. Watch the website for details on upcoming exciting new art venues and be sure to come to the meeting so you can NOT ONLY sign up for the new CIRCUIT show sites but learn about our FEBRUARY AR SHOW at CHELSEA!!!!  HINT: START CREATING WILD AND WHIMSICAL ART!!!!

The “ROOTS” Goal has also been established and continues to expand AND thrive  throughout the Ocala community with our DONATED CIRCUIT locations expanding as we speak .This  CONCEPT came about because  IT WAS DISCOVERED A FEW YEARS AGO THAT OAG WAS NOT KNOWN in the Ocala community (even though we were a 70+ year-old art organization)-So we started REACHING OUT  out to local businesses and planting our ROOTS in OCALA……..THIS CONCEPT IS BENEFICIAL TO ALL CONCERNED: OAG enjoys the free GALLERY SPACE to show and sell our art, secondly, the BUSINESS enjoys some new foot traffic…and thirdly, we DONATE A PERCENTAGE OF OUR SALES TO THE Blue Star Mothers of Ocala…for free advertising and support from them.      

So my thoughts for MY FINAL YEAR AS YOUR PRESIDENT are SIMPLY THIS:        

While we will CONTINUE TO WORK ON THESE THREE ESTABLISHED GOALS, I wish to add two more “R’S” to our goals for THIS YEAR.  This coming year will see us “REACHING OUT “ AND “ REACHING IN” TO HELP OAG AND ITS MEMBERTS EXPAND   PHYSICALLY  AND ARTISTICALLY. In summarizing this thought:  I’m intending for us to REACH OUT to help more people find a niche to get involved in the doings, workings  AND ENJOYING  of OAG with their help AND THEIR ART. THIS CAN BE DONE BY PARTAKING in our Meetings, Demos, Trips, Book Club, Theater Group, Luncheons, Dinners,  etc. We will continue to not only provide venues to expand Members’ art skills and interests, but also our friendships and adventures. 

Conclusion, we are looking forward to a year where YOU will provide us with some NEW and interesting IDEAS to help us celebrate our 75th anniversary coming up this February.  MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the September 9th meeting 10:45and bring your COOKIES!!!! 
Sincerely, your President, LEONA (LEE) ASTA



OFFICERS (* Voting rights)
President*Lee Asta
1st Vice President of Exhibitions*
2nd Vice President of Programs*Susan Silverman Fink
Recording Secretary*Catherine Burnside
Corresponding SecretaryLynn King
Treasurer*Marcelle Schvimmer
Past President*Sharon Harris
Membership*Arlene Wells
Community OutreachDebie Ceres
Social Media and Website*Barbara Fife, Catherine Burnside
Notices- MailchimpCatherine Burnside, Arlene Wells