About the Show
Comments by Judge Iris Kaplan

I would like to first thank the artists whose work was judged and I also want to encourage the artists who did not receive an award to continue to believe in their work.
As a judge I try to use my ability to assess art beyond one’s own taste, judge with integrity, and have a non-cynical open-minded approach to art in general. I look at craftsmanship, technical skill, presentation and creativity. Is the piece well executed? I consider use of color, how the light is captured, composition, subject matter and medium. Does the piece resonate in some way with me? Does it invite me to explore it further? Has the artist created a style that is markedly his or her own?
I find eliminating works to be hard. So in some cases I tried to select what I felt was the best of a particular genre.
The process of being a judge has bought up for me, early memories of being on the other side of the judging process as an artist whose work was sometime accepted and often rejected from those exhibitions.
I want to congratulate the artists whose work was judged and to continue to believe in their work. The process is not kind. It’s not an exact science, but a time honored method for artists to receive feedback and measure their progress. Again, I can only encourage artists to continue to submit works to shows such as this one.
Finally, I want to thank the Ocala Art Group for the lovely invitation to judge this show.
Iris Kaplan is an Artist with a diverse background. She works in several mediums and was a Fashion Designer for many years in New York creating fashions for men’s, women’s, and children’s apparel for top-notch companies: Bobbi Brooks, Century sportswear, and private labels. To enhance her fashion business, Iris made annual trips to the Far East and Europe to research designs and art.
Iris studied at Pratt Institute NY and Woodstock School of Art; she was a member of the sculpting club at Woodstock.Iris currently resides in The Villages, Florida. She is an active member of the Village Art League, Villages Art Association, and Member of the Pastel Society of Central Florida.
Iris enjoys creating sculptures, acrylic paintings, and portraits of pets and family members.
Website: http://gallerybyiriskaplan.com
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Arranged by Artist’s Last Name
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Information is given below the enlarged image – Artist, Medium, Dimensions, Price.
Thank you for visiting Ocala Art Group’s first Virtual Exhibit.
To Purchase Art in This Exhibit
Interested in purchasing a piece in this exhibit? Send an email inquiry with the Artist’s name and Title of the work and your contact information (phone or email) to [email protected] . The artist will respond to your purchase inquiry.

A special THANKS goes to Iris Kaplan, our judge for this members only, online show. Prizes for award winners have been donated by our generous sponsors, listed above. A big thanks to them also! A lot of hard work has gone into this by co-chairs, Lee Asta and Lynn King, and by our web designer Barbara Fife, publicity chair Jan Kiszonak, communications chair, Sherese Mesko, and to all the members who contributed their ideas and time to make this first Virtual Exhibit a reality. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!