Classic Movie Challenge

“North By Northwest” at Historic Marion Theatre Iris Kaplan and Jan Tindall,On behalf of the OAG, it’s members and myself personally: I’d like to thank you both for the impressive venue you presented recently on our behalf at the Marion Historical Theater! The setting was elegant and our art show added to the atmosphere! You and… Continue reading Classic Movie Challenge

Ruth Ann Dexheimer – Impressionism October 14, 2019

Ruth Ann Dexheimer used her prodigious collection of art posters of Master works to illustrate styles and trends around the time of the Impressionist period. Ruth Ann remarked that Arthur Appleton never purchased a Impressionist painting for his collection, but invested in several works by Bourguereau and the painters of his Salon. The style required… Continue reading Ruth Ann Dexheimer – Impressionism October 14, 2019

“National Inspiration” Exhibit

Ocala Art Group members showed their work in the second floor Art Gallery of Gateway Bank during the month of April, 2016. Our appreciation to Joseph Hare for the video of the opening reception and awards for the National Inspiration Exhibit.