Holiday Lunch

Thank you, John Ford, for contributing these photos of our Annual December Luncheon. It was a festive gathering at the Braised Onion. Vivian Drawneek kept us creatively entertained with a fun drawing game while we waited for our entrees.

Sandra Fox – Silk Painting – Oct. 10, 2022

Sandra provided an opportunity for each of us to paint on a piece of silk during her program! We learned a lot about using resists for silk painting. Even the common Sharpie marker makes an excellent resist for controlled flow of color. Thank you, Sandra for a very informative and most enjoyable silk painting experience!

Appleton Museum -July 13, 2022

Well, this could be a statue of me, your President…but it is THE Appleton’s THE THINkER! I returned from our OAG trip on July 13th brimming with new knowledge….thanks to our IN-HOUSE Docent , Ruth Dexheimer. Never underestimate her!!!! She prepared well to not only provide us with lots of Art history , but also… Continue reading Appleton Museum -July 13, 2022