OAG members on Art-VentureLeesburg Art CenterRamey checking out the boardFlorida Highwaymen paintingUncommon on 6th GalleryUncommon on Sixth GalleryVivian has art at Uncommon on 6th gallery!Artist With a PurposeArtist With a PurposeArtist With a PurposeGary Lee Sligh Fabric Art ShopSandra and her art at Gary Lee Sligh Fabric ArtLunch at Ellen’s CafeLincoln GalleryLincoln GalleryLincoln Gallery
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WOW! What a day! Another ARTventure for about 20 OAG members….,.we laughed, learned, saw, heard, enjoyed, met new people AND saw lots of new sites ….all in Leesburg! Thanks for a beautiful day Susan Fink and Sandra Fox!!!! Can’t wait for our next ARTventure!!!! We already have Susan some new ideas…..hope to see more of you next time!!!!! Pretty soon we won’t even need any NAMETAGS!!!! 💜😍Lee….Your President
WOW! What a day! Another ARTventure for about 20 OAG members….,.we laughed, learned, saw, heard, enjoyed, met new people AND saw lots of new sites ….all in Leesburg! Thanks for a beautiful day Susan Fink and Sandra Fox!!!! Can’t wait for our next ARTventure!!!! We already have Susan some new ideas…..hope to see more of you next time!!!!! Pretty soon we won’t even need any NAMETAGS!!!! 💜😍Lee….Your President