Car and Music Fest
On Saturday, October 15 the Ocala Art Group joined other art associations for a beautiful afternoon in Tuscawilla Park. The event sponsored by Jenkins Auto included live music, food trucks and art.
We enjoyed talking to the other art groups and many interested visitors. Another fun time was had by ALL! Members Heather Doherty, Ramey Vogel, Iris Kaplan and Lee Asta represented OAG at the Tuscawilla Park’ s Car and Music Fest and had another great ARTventure filled with lots of “community outreach” and “Intergenerational conversations”. Talk about a POSITIVE experience! Heather even had a couple of sales of her art!!!!
Not only did we Members get to know one another better but, we made NEW BFF with our tent neighbors from Magnolia Art Exchange. We were invited to visit their facilities for a friendly tour and potential development of several Intergenerational art activities including possible joint POP-UP shows, Workshops, even possibly Mixers as well as a joint Book Reading /discussion session…at their facilities!!! The POTENTIAL is there, we just need members to get involved with their “ART and SOUL”!
Amazingly, Lee BRIEFLY shared the idea for OAGs search for a donated Permanent Gallery Space with Pam from the Reilly Art Center as well as David from the Appleton, who both are interested in helping us achieve our goal. The wheels have started turning and our Outreach Committee will be meeting shortly to formally start the Journey! We could use another member (especially one from Ocala) or two to join this committee, so let Lee know if you are interested.